• CSCD核心库收录期刊
  • 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊

Electric Power Construction ›› 2017, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 1-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-7229.2017.02.001

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Technology and Practice of Promoting Renewable Energy Power Accommodation

PAN Ersheng,WANG Xinlei,XU Tong,TIAN Xueqin,MA Shiyi,YAN Jing   

  1. State Power Economic Research Institute,Beijing 102209,China
  • Online:2017-02-01
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Abstract: While China has the largest power generation installed capacity and the largest generating capacity of renewable energy, the issue of renewable energy power accommodation is becoming more and more serious, whose solution will be a major task during “13th Five-Year” period. Therefore, starting from the whole power system, this paper introduces the renewable energy power accommodation technologies for grid side, generation side and consumer side respectively, and summarizes the technical features and practical experience at home and abroad, which can provide reference for the improvement of renewable energy accommodation pattern during “13th Five-Year” period in China. On the power grid side, UHV transmission technology, flexible DC transmission technology and smart grid technology will provide a strong link for Chinas renewable energy power accommodation in a wider range, to achieve a more flexible and close connection between the generation side and the user side. On the generation side, the flexible adjustment technology of conventional unit, the precise prediction of renewable energy and active control technology, large scale energy storage technology will promote the depth transition of various types of power supply operation modes in China and the construction of service system for renewable energy. On the user side, renewable power supply, demand side response and virtual power plants and other technologies will provide solutions for terminal users on active, flexible regulation of their own load and more use of renewable energy. Relying on UHV transmission technology, integrated into the big market, to achieve the optimal allocation of renewable energy in the largest range, will be an important choice for Chinas national conditions.

Key words: renewable energy, UHV, power accommodation, optimal allocation, demand response

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