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2 几种主要文献的著录格式

(注意:中文参考文献可以加上英文翻译,英文文献直接给出,不必翻译。作者姓全拼大写,名简拼大写,姓和名之间用空格不用点号;中文作者的英文翻译,名可以保留全拼,WANG DamaWANG D M 两种格式都可以。3个或3个以内的作者需要全部列出,超过3个作者只写前三个,其余用“, et al”代替。)


[序号]  作者. 题名[J]. 刊名, , (): 起止页码.


[1]  屈高强, 李荣, 董晓晶, . 基于随机机会约束规划的有源配电网多目标规划[J]. 电力建设, 2015, 36(11): 10-16.

QU Gaoqiang, LI Rong, DONG Xiaojing, et al. Multiple-objective planning of active power distribution network based on random chance constrained programming[J]. Electric Power Construction, 2015, 36(11): 10-16.



[2]  SHARMA C. Modeling of an island grid[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1998, 13(3): 971-978

注:“Modeling of an island grid”为论文名称,“IEEE Transactions on Power Systems”为期刊名,“1998”为出版年,“13”为卷号,“3”为期号,“971-978”为起止页码.作者的姓在前,名的首字母放在其后.

[3] XU Binshi, OU Zhongwen, MA Shining, et al. Nano-surface-engineering[J]. China Mechanical Engineering, 2000, 11(6): 707-712.(有卷号 书写格式)

[4] RHEE B M. A profile of the ideal library and information specialist[J]. Library and Information Service, 2000(2): 5-8.(无卷号 书写格式)

[5] DES MARAIS D J STRAUSS H SUMMONS R E, et alCarbon isotopeevidence for the stepwise oxidation of the Proterozoic environment [J]Nature1992359605-609

[6] HEWITT J ATechnical services in 1983[J]Library Resource Services198428(3)205-218


[序号]  著者. 题名[M]. 其他责任者. 版本. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年: 引文页码.


[1]  吴维韩, 何金良, 高玉明. 金属氧化物非线性电阻特性和应用[M].北京: 清华大学出版社, 1998: 2-8

[2]  霍斯尼. 谷物科学与工艺学原理[M]. 李庆龙, . 北京: 中国食品出版社, 1989: 120-125.


[3] ANDERSON P M, AGRAWAL B L, VAN NESS J ESubsynchronous resonance in power system[M]. New York: IEEE Press, 1990: 35-68

[4] Forestry Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Guangxi Natural Reserve[M]. Beijing: China Forestry Press, 1993.

[5] JIANG Youxu, GUO Quanshui, MA Juan, et al. Classification of forest community and its characteristics in China[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1993.


 [序号] 著者.题名[D].保存地(城市名):保存者(一般为大学或研究机构),年份.

 [1]  吴俊玲.大型风电场并网运行的若干技术问题研究[D].北京:清华大学,2004

WU Junling. Research on technology problems of large grid-connected wind farm[D]. BeijingTsinghua University, 2004.

[2] ZHANG Zhixiang. Random disturbance of discontinuous dynamical system and its application in conservation law equation[D]. Beijing: School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, 1998.

[3] CALMS R BInfrared spectroscopic studies on solid oxygen [D]BerkeleyUniversity of California1965


[序号]  报告作者.报告名称[R].报告单位所在地:报告单位,年度.

[1]  蒋卫平.西北750kV系统电磁暂态实时仿真研究[R].北京:中国电力科学研究院,2002

[2]  Electric Power Research InstituteAC transmission line reference book200 kV and above[R]Palo AltoCaliforniaElectric Power Research Institute2004

[3] FENG Xiqiao. LBB Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel[R]. Beijing: Nuclear Energy Technology Design and Research Institute, Tsinghua University, 1997.

[4] U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway AdministrationGuidelines for handling excavated acid-producing materials, PB 91-194001[R]SpringfieldUSDepartment of Commerce National Information Service1990

[5] World Health OrganizationFactors regulation the immune responsereport of WHO Scientific Group [R]GenevaWHO1970


[序号]  析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[C]//源文献题名.出版地(或者保存地):出版者(如无出版者,著录源文献责任者),出版年:析出文献的起止页码.

[1]  张忠智.科技书刊的总编角色要求[C]//中国科学技术期刊编辑学会建会十周年学术研讨会论文汇编.北京:中国科学技术期刊编辑学会学术委员会,199733-34

[2]  YUE G XYANG H RLU J Fet alLatest development of CFB boilers in China[C]//Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. Xi'anSpringer Berlin Heidelberg20103-12

[3] XIN Ximeng. International Symposium on Information Technology and Information Services: Part A[C]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1994.

[4] ROSENTHALL E MProceedings of the Fifth Canadian Mathematical CongressUniversity of Montreal1961[C] TorontoUniversity of Toronto Press1963

[5] GANZHA V GMAYR E WVOROZHTSOV E VComputer algebra in scientific computingCASC 2000proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Samarkand, October 5-9, 2000[C]. Berlin: Springer, c2000

6 标准

[序号]  责任者. 标准名称:标准代号[S]. 出版地:出版者,出版年:引文页码.

[1]  全国带电作业标准化技术委员会.带电作业用屏蔽服装:GB/T 65682008 [S].北京:中国标准出版社,2008

注:“全国带电作业标准化技术委员会”为标准的制定者.“GB/T 65682008 ”为标准编号,“带电作业用屏蔽服装” 为标准名称,“北京”为标准的出版地,“中国标准出版社” 为标准的出版单位, 2008”为标准出版年.

[2] Science and Technology Standard Department of State Environmental Protection Administration. Environmental quality standard for soils: GB15616—1995[S]. Beijing: Standards Press of China, 1996.

7 报纸

[序号]  作者. 题名[N]. 出版日期(版次)[引用日期]. 获取和访问路径.

[1]  刘振亚.落实科学发展观加快建设坚强的国家电网[N].中国电力报,2005-02-24(1)

注:“刘振亚”为作者,“2005”为发表年,“02 为发表月,“24 为发表日,“(1)”为第1版.

[2]  傅刚,赵承,李佳路. 大风沙过后的思考[N/OL]. 北京青年报, 2004-04-12(12)[2005-07-12].

[3] FU Gang, ZHAO Cheng, LI Jialu. Thinking after strong wind and sand[N]. Beijing Youth Daily, 2004-11-20(15).


[序号]  专利申请者或所有者. 专利题名: 专利号[P]. 公告日期或发布日期[引用日期]. 获取和访问路径.

[1]  夏瑞瑞, 张凯, 刘爱民, . 一种电力系统并网运行连接装置: 201520293719.9[P]. 2015-08-26.

[2]  河北绿洲生态环境科技有限公司.一种荒漠化地区生态植被综合培育种植方法: 01129210.5[P/OL]. 2001-10-24[2002-05-28]. http: //

[3] LIU Jialin. Multifunctional disposable tongue depressor: China, 92214985.2[P]. 1993-04-14.

[2] Hebei Oasis Ecological Environment Technology Co., Ltd.. A comprehensive cultivation and planting method of ecological vegetation in desertification areaChina01129210.5[P/OL]2001-10-24[2002-05-28]http:∥

9 电子资源(引用日期必备)

[序号]  著者.题名[文献类型标志/文献载体标志].出版地:出版者,出版年(更新或修改日期)[引用日期].获取和访问路径.

[1] 储大同. 恶性肿瘤个体化治疗靶向药物的临床表现[J/OL]. 中华肿瘤杂志, 2010, 32(10): 721-724[2014-06-25].

[2]  萧钰. 出版业信息化迈入快车道[EB/OL].(2001-12-19)[2002-04-15].

[3]  中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室. 国防部白皮书:中国武装力量的多样化运用[R/OL]. (2013-04-16)[2014-06-11].

[4] XIAO Yu. Publishing industry informationization enters fast lane[EB/OL]. 2001-12-19[2002-04-15].

[5] JIANG Xiangdong. Solution of Information/Library Management System on Internet/ Intranet[J/OL]. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 1999, 18(2): 4. [2000-01-18]http:∥

[6] METCALF S WThe Tort Hall air emission study [C/OL] The International Congress on  Hazardous Waste Atlanta Marriott Marquis  HotelAtlantaGeorgiaJune 5-81995impact on human and ecological health [1998-09-22].

10 图书、论文集等专著中的析出文献

[序号] 析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名 [文献类型标志].析出文献其他责任者∥专著主要责任者.专著题名:其他题名信息.版本项.出版地:出版者,出版年:析出文献的页码[引用日期].获取和访问路径.

[1] CHENG Genwei. Causes and countermeasures for disaster reduction of 1998 Yangtze River flood[M]//XU Houze, ZHAO Qiguo. Flood Disaster and Scientific and Technological Countermeasures in the Yangtze River Basin. Beijing: Science Press, 1999: 32-36.

[2] CHEN Jinbiao, ZHANG Huimin, ZHU Shixing, et al. Study on Sinian subcontinent of Jixian[M]//Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. Sinian Subcontinent of China. Tianjin: Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1980: 56-114.

[3] BAI Shunong. Study on flowering of plants[M]//LI Chengsen. Advances in Plant Science. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1998: 146-163.

[4] MARX K. Notes on the report wages, prices and profits[M]//MARX K, ENGELS F. Complete Works of Marx and Engels: Volume 44. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1982: 505.

[5] ZHONG Wenfa. Application of nonlinear programming in burnable poison disposition[C]//ZHAO Wei. Operational Research Theory and Its Application : Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of China Operational Research Association. Xi’an: Xidian University Press, 1996: 468-471.

[6] WEINSTEIN LSWERTZ M NPathogenic properties of invading microorganism [M]SODEMAN W APathologic physiologymechanisms of diseasePhiladelphia: Saunders1974745-772

11 国家政策文件

[序号] 出台机构或单位.文件名[Z].城市名:出台机构或单位,年份.

[1] General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Opinions on Promoting the Comprehensive Reform of Agricultural Water Price [Z]. Beijing: General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2016.

发布日期:2023-02-17    浏览: 14351